Tripled my weekly salary in my first 8 days as a full time Equine Massage Therapist
This meant creating a strategy to market my business and to become an authority.

Claim Results Like These

✨How Does It Work?✨
You will get access to the private Telegram group for 6 Months.

Topics are listed with the content you need to grow your business.

Ask questions and get answers daily.

More content added daily with prompts to help you Reach your Goals and build the Life of your Dreams.

You also get access to a Bonus Facebook group with Additional trainings and Networking with other equine therapists for Life.
✨Topics Include✨
✨ Social Media Marketing Strategy

✨ Business Admin & Organization

✨ Attraction Marketing Basics

✨ In Person Events

✨ Serving Clients for Optimal Results

✨ And More
🗝️Will this program work for me even though I have been certified for a while but done nothing with it?
Yes! All you need for this to work is a desire to grow your business!

🗝️Will this work for me even if I am not wanting a full time business?
Yes! This is your business- you get to work as much or as little as you want! And honestly, you can most likely work less and make more money- I know I do 😉🦄

🗝️Will this work for me if I am not ready to leave my 9-5 job?
Yes! This is an opportunity to craft your exit strategy so that you can confidently leave your 9-5!

🗝️Are there specific times for trainings?
No. Trainings are relatively short and available daily and past trainings are saved as recordings.

🗝️What if my area is saturated with other equine therapy providers?
That's not an issue. Those other providers aren't YOU! This program is all about setting yourself apart, identifying your gifts, and learning to market them so that you become recognized as an authority.

Claim the Equine Therapy Business of your Dreams!

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